Mbësôh! … ëh!!

Mbësôh! … ëh!!

Mbësôh! … Mbesôh Zāhnê!!

Nsongwa Development & cultural association

Our goal is to establish a gathering place where all Nsongwa residents and their friends may mingle and get to know one another. Create a forum where concerns impacting Nsongwa people in Canada, the United States, and Cameroon may be discussed.

Get to know the people behind NDECA

Who we are

Nsongwa Development Cultural Association (NDECA) is a non-profit organization established in 2011 by the founding fathers. NDECA's goals are to preserve the rich cultural heritage of the Nsongwa people of the North West Region of Cameroon, to welcome, support, and help new immigrants of Nsongwa descent, to support and encourage fraternal relationships among its members, and to advance the sociocultural, educational, and health aspirations of the Nsongwa people both in Cameroon and abroad.

NDECA arose from the necessity to bring together a people, a community that was living in seclusion but was brought together by a deep ancestry. Given our interconnectedness, we felt the need to expand our membership to include other communities, or anyone who are interested in sharing and learning about different cultures. NDECA strives to be as inclusive as possible because we believe that collaboration is the only way to develop a more tolerant society. Since its inception, NDECA has been involved in development projects in Nsongwa, particularly in the areas of health care and meeting people's basic needs. It's our way of showing the ones we've left behind that we care and that we're all in this together.

We are out to serve our people

Our Projects

View from Outside
View from Inside
Front View

The Palace Project

Your little contribution will make our village stand out


Education for every poor child

Your little contribution can make someone educated.


Water For the Nsongwa People

Your little contribution will make homes drink portable water


Health care for everyone

Your efforts will create health benefits for many.

Photo/Video Gallery


Most Recent News and Events

Let you know what’s happening

Help us built a better community


The Nsongwa people respectfully need your kind help for our development, community welfare, health, and educational endeavors.